Gm case...

Case scenario...
Hi ,I am M.Sindhupriya 3rd bds student.This is an online elog book to discuss our patient health data after taking his consent. This also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio 

                  CASE HISTORY
Case sheet::A 76 years old male resident of nakrekal
Chief complaint:
Pedal edema : 1 month
Burning Micturition: 1 week
Shortness of breathe: 5 days
Decreased urine output: 3 days
History of present illness:
-Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month back then he developed pedal oedema which is pitting type intially upto ankle later progressed upto knee..
-Shortness of breathe since 5 days, insidious onset, gradually progressive from grade 1 to grade 2.
-Burning Micturition since 1 week
- Generalised swelling of body is seen since 3 days,B/l upper limb edema and abdominal distension since 3 days..
- No orthopnea,PND,No fever,cough, vomiting,loose stools.
History of past illness:
Patient has H/O type 2 DM since 10 years..
No H/O HTN,Asthma,  Tb ,Epilepsy,CVA,CAD..
No past surgical history 
Personal history:
Diet: mixed
Appetite: normal
Sleep: adequate
Bowel / bladder movements - regular
Addictions: alcohol consumption since 40 years
No allergies
Family history: 
No significant family history
General examination:
Pallor: no
Icterus: no
Cyanosis: no
Clubbing of fingers: no
Lymphadenopathy: no
Oedema: yes
Malnutrition: no
Dehydration: no
Pulse rate: 78 bpm
Bp: 140/ 60 mmhg
Temperature: 96.8 F
RR: 22 cpm
Spo2: 94%
Grbs:191 mg/ dl
Systemic examination:
1.Respiratory system
- no dyspnea
- no wheezing
- breathe sounds heard: vesicular normal
2.Cardiovascular system
- Cardiac sounds: S1,S2 heard
- shape: distended
- no tenderness
- no palpable mass
- non palpable liver
- no palpable spleen
- no bruits
- bowel sounds: heard
Speech: absent
Coherent higher motor function is intact..
Provisional Diagnosis:
Congestive heart failure 
Q/A :Is he suffering with any kidney related disease?.
Is it curable?
Why it is associated with burning,micturition?

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